
Annual General Meeting 2025

The Annual General Meeting, 2025 will be held on Saturday 15 February 2025 2 pm at the Alverne Room, St John's Hall, Alverton Road, TR18 2QW Penzance (Car park adjacent to hall, or parking available on nearby roads) 



Secretary's Report

Treasurer's Report 1

Treasurer's Report 2

Cornwall Geoconservation Group report 

President's Report

Policies Presentation 

Draft Code of Conduct for Events


AGM Dinner,  15 February  2025

This year we will be returning to the original home of the Society.  where in 1814, the founder members gathered to set up the RGSC .

 The Union Hotel  in Chapel Street  was the centre of  scientific geological  research until the bawdy activities of cock fighters & loose women drove our learned ancestors to find a more peaceful venue ,first of all, further down Chapel St ,then to North Parade before finally  ending up in St Johns Hall..... ..thanks to money from landed patrons who enabled the building of the West Wing as our Penzance home.

Since our Bicentennial Celebrations, Cornwall  Council

took over our' seat' in Penzance, however we retain the use of a lecture room as & when we require it .

As you all know ,we now have our base in the heart of the mining area at the King Edward Mine


MENU for Sat 15th Feb 2025

 (6 for 6:30pm)  

Please indicate your choice & return with £24.95  by Mon Feb 10th



  Leek & Tatie soup with a crusty roll .....   A

  Prawn cocktail with a seafood sauce & crusty roll ..B

Fruit juice  ….. C


  Roast Turkey  with traditional trimmings......   D

  Lentil Roast  .....  E 

 both with a selection of local vegetables


Breton Apple Tart  .....  F

 Fruit Salad  ....   G

 Both served with clotted cream

Followed by coffee or tea.


Name ................................             choices........

Name ...............................             .choices........

phone no............................ to RGSC.....or Direct to CO-OP Bank......

Sort code...08-92-99....account no...67294781


Please complete & return (with cheque) by Mon10th Feb.. to memb;sec; B.A.Kerno. AnVelynSeaureaugh,StStythyans,TR37DL

  [tel 07905 277341]

Overnight accom; is available  at a discounted  price 

contact Emily at the Hotel   01736 362319